Wednesday 21 December 2011

Social Etiquette of the Indian People of Malaysia

Date : 21 December 2011 (Last Meeting) Venue : Botani Café Activity : 7.0 - Social Etiquette of the Indian People of Malaysia Actually our last meeting is makan-makan and we talk free and easy. But, since I have a social etiquette of the Chinese people, so that I include social etiquette Indian people in my report. Many Indians do not use their surnames. Instead, they place the initial of their father's name in front of their own name. The man's formal name is their name "s/o" (son of) and the father's name. It is important that professional titles (professor, doctor, engineer) and honorific titles are used in business. Malays and Indians use titles with their first name while Chinese use titles with their surname. Women use "d/o" to refer to themselves as the daughter of their father. If you give flowers, avoid frangipani as they are used in funeral wreaths. Money should be given in odd numbers. Offer gifts with the right hand only or both hands if the item is large. Do not wrap gifts in white or black. Wrap gifts in red, yellow or green paper or other bright colors as these bring good fortune.

Monday 5 December 2011

Social Etiquette of the Chinese People of Malaysia

Date : 5 December 2012 Venue : Online Discussion Activity : 6.0 - Social Etiquette of the Chinese People of Malaysia Of course there’s a lot of etiquette of Chinese people in Malaysia. The most important for Chinese is their surname. Basically the Chinese dominate the business community and live in urban areas. The Chinese traditionally have 3 names. The surname (family name) is first and is followed by two personal names. but many Chinese adopt more Western names and may ask you to use that instead. There’s also some culture that implement in their life such as if invited to someone's home, they will bring a small gift of fruit, sweets, or cakes, saying that it is for the children. But there’s also don’t such as do not give scissors, knives or other cutting utensils as they indicate a desire to sever the relationship. Flowers do not make good gifts as they are given to the sick and are used at funerals. We know that they believe the prosperity and the red colour that influence them very much. They do not wrap gifts in mourning colours - white, blue, or black. So that, they wrapped the gifts in happy colours - red, pink, or yellow. It is best to give gifts in even numbers since odd numbers are unlucky. Gifts are generally not opened when received.

Monday 14 November 2011

Unity in Diversity

Date : 14 November 2011 Venue : Botani Café Activity : 5.0 - Unity in Diversity When we talk about unity in diversity what came across to my mind is the late award-winning director Yasmin Ahmad. She touched many of us through her advertisements that thrived on various themes – love, family and unity – against the backdrop and essence of our multiracial Malaysia. Since independence, national unity has always been the main agenda of the Government. The 1Malaysia concept aims to strengthen the relationship among races, based on mutual trust and respect for each other. This can begin in schools. Unity in the 1Malaysia concept is not about creating a singular hegemonic society. Instead, it is about accepting the uniqueness of other races, appreciating the plurality of Malaysia and working together as one nation towards a better, harmonious future. Hence, the key to this concept is “unity in diversity”, which ensures a healthy inter-personal relationship. Racial and cultural diversity is an excellent topic to teach our young children, who form many opinions about themselves and the people around them. This is when their natural curiosity about differences in appearance and cultural backgrounds really begins to come into play. They can learn to appreciate or devalue others who are different from them. Hence, this is a significant point of time to shape their attitudes about race and cultural diversity, to make them realise that diversity provides an assortment of benefits that can enhance any classroom. The University is one of medium as well this EEP programme that conducted by lecturers are one of the main pillars in delivering the aspirations of the 1Malaysia concept. They bear the weight and responsibility of teaching and, apart from parents, are the main source of knowledge and values for students.

Monday 17 October 2011

I'm Proud to be Malaysian

Jalur Gemilang - Malaysia Flag
17 Oct 2011 - The objective of today's meeting is to develop Malaysians who are loyal, patriotic and visionary. The aim of this class is also to produce Malaysians who are proud of their country and able to meet daily challenges so that they can live harmoniously as well as able to appreciate and understand Malaysia’s international role.

hmmm.. what can i say from today's meeting is "the topic is very patriotic.". As a Malaysian citizen, of course i'm really proud to be a part of Bumi Bertuah  It's very hard to express our feeling of proud. There's a lot of factors.. 
Just imagine we are from multi-cultural society but we live in harmony. Even though Malaysia is Islamic country but it never deny the other religous. Every one free to practice the way of their life.It's very very and very difficult to explain.. but i can express my feeling from this song..

Monday 10 October 2011

Benefits Derive from Good Foreign Relations

Date : 10 October 2011 Venue : Botani Café Activity : 3.0 - Benefits Derive from Good Foreign Relations From this activity, we should observe the role of Malaysia in relations to its neighbours such as Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Manila, Brunei and other countries. In tourism and education, Malaysia already has very successful programmes such as Visit Malaysia Year, My Second Home programme and good private colleges that help increase the number of tourists and students from South-East Asia, India, China, and the Middle East. These sectors can be upgraded and expanded substantially as Asia becomes wealthier. The Government’s role and tremendous success in developing a world-class Islamic banking and finance in Malaysia can be applied to other sectors of financial services, for instance, fund management. Foreign fund managers (including successful Malaysian fund managers based in overseas financial centres like New York, London, Hong Kong and Singapore) may be persuaded to make Malaysia a base if the playing field is the same or better than in other financial centres.

Monday 3 October 2011

The Richness of Multicultural Heritage

Date : 3 October 2011 Venue : Botani Café, School of Computing Activity : 2.0 The Richness of Multicultural Heritage Finally, it come the real activity of EEP which is we have to discuss one of the core topic “The Richness of Multicultural Heritage”. We have to form a group of two persons and discuss about this activity. We must discuss about general view of Malaysian society. As we know Malaysia has a multi-ethnic, multicultural, and multilingual society which is the original culture of the area stemmed from indigenous tribes that inhabited it, along with the Malays who later moved there. Substantial influence exists from Chinese and Indian culture, dating back to when foreign trade began. When the government introduce 1Malaysia to its people, for me it is not a new thing to implement because we already practice the spirit of 1 Malaysia for a long time ago. That’s why it called multicultural heritage because we implement it ages ago. The rebranding of 1Malaysia make us unites in the diversity. What we need more is to maintain our stability of understanding, respecting among us. The uniqueness introduce Malaysia as a country that live peacefully even under different cultural. One example of ethnic is Malay. Malays speak Bahasa Melayu and mostly is Muslim. As a Muslim they celebrated two biggest events which is Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Hari Raya Aidil Adha. While Chinese celebrates Chinese New Year and India celebrate Deepavali. There’s a lot of ceremony by different etnic and have been celebrates by all Malaysian. For a long time, Malaysia’s multicultural environment has made our people adaptable. Combined with the ability to speak many languages and strong family ties to emerging economies of China, India and Indonesia, we have the recipe for success in a prosperous Asia. Malaysia should use this advantage to forge ahead in the new economic landscape by not only continuing to export manufactured goods, but also by massively increasing our ability to sell our services worldwide, especially in Asia.

Monday 26 September 2011

A place in the sun for everyone

26 Sept 2011 - Finally get all the members of our EEP group's.. even everybody not present for the second meeting but we enjoy doing ice breaking when we need to introduce "what we know about our member" jeng jeng jeng.. so my task is to introduce my best pren.

Her name is Harzie Suhaila Ahmad. She's a daughter, mother of four kids and of course a lovely wife of Mr. Badli Shah.. hehehe didn't remember full name. I first met her at DTSO for official ceremony celebrated new student for 2010 session. She's very hard working also a fren that i can rely with.. easier to settle the assignment within the office hour time because we have same schedule..

The other person of my group mate is
++ Izham - known as am, mix, in a relationship, dean list, perlisan, drive KDB viva elite
++ Nur Adilah - known as Mc Lah, Kelantanese, thin, cute
++ Nazri
++ Zarith
++ Lia
++ Rasul